terça-feira, 16 de abril de 2013

Swedish Culture (Part 1)

           Sweden, differently than a lot of people think, it is a country that has a very rich and diversified culture.  For being a country with around 450,295 sq km and highly large, it is possible find big differences between who lives in the north part and in the south part. Knowing another country and observe customs, lifestyle, rhythm of the cities and people’s point of view is a unique experience.
            Because of having the opportunity to take part of Exchange Program Ung i den världsvida kyrkan (Young in the Worldwide Church) and have lived during three months in the country, I am delighted with Swedish culture. This program is promoted by Church of Sweden, in partnership with Evangelic Church of Lutheran Confession in Brazil, Lutheran Church in Costa Rica, Independent Church in the Philippines and Lutheran Church in Tanzania.
            Swedish population is in a transformation, due to input many immigrants, especially in the last twenty years. It is possible to see, in a subtle way, the influence of new peoples – including Brazilians – who are present nowadays in Swedish land. In spite of Swedish people is open mind about new things, they also preserve their customs, popular parties and traditions. 

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